Linux Home Server BackUp Options – Secure Shell, FSTAB, Backup Programs & Website Files

For you to back up the files of Secure Shell configuration located at /etc/ssh/sshd_config and /etc/ssh/ssh_config your personal computer should be accessed remotely.

The table of the Linux file system is the job of /etc/fstab that is the file in question. Your old installation’s fstab file cannot be used on your new installation so you need to be very careful. If your partition is reformatted the Universal Unique Identifier will change. You need not spend a lot of time viewing up the entire options available but the other lines of the old fstab file should be copied and this will be useful indeed if you have a different partitions for home, shares that are auto-mounted, and got many partitions. First, you need to be sure to do the backup manually because both K Desktop Environment mount manager and Gnome PyStorage Device Manager can provide a process for Graphic User Interface for fstab file editing. Remember that it is safest to learn about fstab and manually edit it which is the usual thing from the majority of online accounts.

You may need to grab the files for configuration of the server settings to perform backups automatically using tools such as Simple Backup or Rsync. The location /etc/sbackup.conf is for Simple Backup while /etc/rsyncd.conf is the location for the configuration of Rsync.

On the other hand, for running personal websites, most individuals have installed on their home servers such as PHP, MySQL, or Apache. For backing up purposes their configuration files will be a bit complicated so you must not forget to do it where it is located in /var/www for your own website. If you need to reinstall PHP, MySQL, and Apache, it is better that you reconfigure them first because there are changes on its versions, and if you want a new password to be used. The commands needed to used for an easy installation of these three in one sitting when you have to do it are: sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ where the caret (^) symbol is very important. For an easy configuration of the databases for MySQL, phpMyAdmin installation should not be forgotten that connotes the following: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql phpmyadmin.

For you to select the installation of Apache, you need to hit the spacebar, and next from it an asterisk sign (*) will appear if the process is done properly. For the entire system, you have to ensure that all default passwords are changed and this should be done as usually as needed.

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